
Amathy Peace Pheromones Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-sectarian organization founded by Mrs. Rosalyn Essien. We are committed to the entrenchment of peace across all strata of our society using a value-based approach to peace building and conflict resolution.

We acknowledge that the fact that social deprivation and social exclusion together with their related factors such as poverty, illness and the inaccessibility of healthcare, lack of education and low human capacity development as well as low socio-economic status can instigate a sense of aggression which could degenerate into hostility, violent behavior or outright conflict. Consequently, in addition to our value-based approach to conflict resolution, we also deploy the provision of life enhancement perquisites as a peace building mechanism. In fact, the dictum that “a hungry man is an angry man” goes to buttress our stance that social deprivation is an incubator of conflict and that the best way of resolving such conflict, or better still, preventing it from erupting is by providing socially deprived persons with the basic needs of life.

In essence, we in Amathy Peace Pheromones Foundation believe that “if we separate quarrels, there will be no fights to separate”. Conflict is the result of unresolved disputes as well as the result of unmet basic needs which trigger a feeling of deprivation hence aggression and ultimately outright conflict. Therefore, Amathy Peace Pheromones Foundation is not only committed to prompt resolution of all disputes and all forms of grievances to avert possible degeneration into violence, banditry or armed conflicts. Rather, through our consultancy firm, Ossomi Peace Contagion Consult, we also deploy institutional frameworks toward entrenching peace in our communities and the society at large. In this regard, we adopt approaches such as social re-orientation programmes for all segments and categories of persons as well as training workshops and symposia for community leaders, traditional rulers, institutions, religious institutions, educational institutions, the youth and the public service. More so, with our flagship NGO, Payforphan Foundation, we are also committed passionately to helping people to meet basic needs of life such as food, clothing, healthcare, shelter, education and sanitation.

On the whole, with the trio of Amathy Peace Pheromones Foundation, Ossomi Peace Contagion Consult and Payforphan Foundation, we bring about a pacific, win-win, solution-driven, cost-effective and value based conflict resolution mechanism in the settlement of disputes, while also reaching out to the needy with life enhancement perquisites as a peace building mechanism.

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